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Write a little information about your company


FOUNDATION I am and always have been passionate about the countryside and the people who work and live in it. This passion was formed as far back as I can recall and as a small boy I would ride my bicycle down the country lanes to where the farmers were harvesting just to watch the amazing scenes. A friend introduced me to angling as a boy and this fuelled my desire to be out on the banks of rivers, ponds and sleepy estate lakes. I started working on a dairy farm in Sussex in my teens and I also attended Plumpton Agricultural college; firstly on the old day release C&G program as an introduction to agriculture and then on a residential course leading to the NCA (National Certificate in Agriculture). After qualifying and a couple of summers working on local farms I travelled across northern Europe and ended up in Los Angeles USA. This time I was following another passion, music, as a singer. This went well enough for me to spend 7 years across the pond. MARKETING I returned to the UK and eventually I stumbled into a role within a marketing business. I took to this quite well and within a relatively short amount of time, I took my talents in this field and formed my own business around it Maximus Marketing. A couple of years ago, I really started to think I needed a new direction, a new challenge, something completely different! PHOTOGRAPHY I have amongst all these other things always enjoyed hiking throughout my life, I just loved getting up and away from it all, I just wanted to be in the country and the weather was irrelevant to this. Whilst walking I started to take photos so as to inspire others to see what beauty was there to behold. I soon found myself embracing social media more and more to facilitate this purpose and I held accounts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. My friends told me more and more "your photos are amazing, you should do this professionally!" on the back of this I plucked up the courage to enter a photography contest hosted by Sony on the Internet and to my complete surprise I won and they featured my photo on their website. JWsnaphappy This was the final piece of encouragement that I needed to combine my life experience, marketing experience, passions for the outdoors, farming and angling into JWsnaphappy and here we are......